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Aerolom Ic (Industrial y Comercial) (Argentina)

Main Activities: All Other Miscellaneous Chemical Product and Preparation Manufacturing
Full name: Aerolom Ic (Industrial y Comercial) Profile Updated: May 31, 2024
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Aerolom Ic (Industrial y Comercial) is a company located in Lomas de Zamora. Since 1969, it has been dedicated to the development and manufacturing of consumer and industrial aerosol products. The company consists of a filling plant for aerosols, a development center, a distribution center, and a logistics center. Aerolom has a laboratory and specialized machinery, and its highly trained staff includes mechanical engineers, pharmacists, chemical engineers, chemistry graduates, and chemical technicians who support the personnel in the areas of production, sales, and administration. The company operates under ISO 9001-2015 standards and has different divisions that cover various product lines. They have a recently modernized laboratory that utilizes the latest technology in the production of raw materials for their own manufacturing. With over 50 products, Aerolom Ic is a prominent player in the Argentine market.

Camino Juan Domingo Peron 1340
Lomas de Zamora; Buenos Aires; Postal Code: B1832EYN

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