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Eesti Gaas AS (Estonia)

Main Activities: Natural Gas Distribution
Secondary Activities: Petroleum and Petroleum Products Merchant Wholesalers (except Bulk Stations and Terminals) | Gasoline Stations
Full name: Eesti Gaas AS Profile Updated: June 28, 2023
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AS Eesti Gaas is the largest private-capital energy enterprise in the Baltic and Finnish region. The company offers natural gas in various forms, including pipeline gas, compressed natural gas (CNG), and liquefied natural gas (LNG), and manages the largest gas distribution network in Estonia and Latvia. Additionally, AS Eesti Gaas provides green electricity from solar parks and individual solar power plants, as well as biomethane produced from local biogas. The company operates in five markets and claims to have over 400,000 customers. AS Eesti Gaas also offers electricity to all customers and provides comprehensive energy solutions based on natural gas, including the design and construction of gas pipelines and heating solutions.

Sadama tn 7
Tallinn; Harju county; Postal Code: 10111

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Basic Information
Total Employees:
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Outstanding Shares:
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Financial Auditors:
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Incorporation Date:
January 10, 1997
Key Executives
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Member of Management Board
Ownership Details
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AS EG Ehitus
AS Gaasivorgud
AS Gaasivork
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