Guvercinler Insaat Turizm Tekstil Nakliyat Tic. Ve San. Ltd. Sti. is a company in Turkiye, with a head office in Antalya. The company operates in the All Other Health and Personal Care Stores industry. The company was established on February 09, 1999. Guvercinler Insaat Turizm Tekstil Nakliyat Tic. Ve San. Ltd. Sti. currently employs 64 (2023) people. In 2022, the company reported a net sales revenue increase of 166.23%. Its’ total assets recorded a growth of 120.68%. The net profit margin of Guvercinler Insaat Turizm Tekstil Nakliyat Tic. Ve San. Ltd. Sti. increased by 0.08% in 2022.
Ihlas Magazasi Yani No: 58 Yeni Mahalle Dortyol Caddesi Kemer
Antalya; Mediterranean;
Postal Code: 07980
Contact Details: Purchase the Guvercinler Insaat Turizm Tekstil Nakliyat Tic. Ve San. Ltd. Sti. report to view the information.
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