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Banco Columbia S.A. (Argentina)

Main Activities: Commercial Banking | Credit Card Issuing
Full name: Banco Columbia S.A. Profile Updated: May 24, 2024
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Banco Columbia S.A. is a privately-owned bank located in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The bank specializes in providing financial assistance to individuals. They offer a wide range of financial services, including personal loans, credit cards, fixed-term investments, trading of public and private securities, custody accounts for securities, savings accounts, regular and special current accounts, safety deposit boxes, foreign exchange operations, transfers to and from abroad, and the sale of insurance for individuals. Banco Columbia S.A. is a retail commercial bank authorized by the Central Bank of Argentina (BCRA). They are also registered as a Negotiation and Clearing Agent with the National Securities Commission (CNV) under number 138, and as an Instigating Agent with the National Insurance Superintendence (SSN) under number 152. The bank's objective is to provide peace of mind and simplicity in managing their customers' finances. They also offer credit assistance for consumer financing. They work directly with their network of branches, as well as through intermediaries, marketers, and their own sales force to provide voluntary payment credits, discount code credits, and primarily, credit cards. Banco Columbia S.A. prides itself on being a bank for the people, with qualified staff dedicated to providing excellent service.

Tte. Gral. Juan D. Peron 350
Buenos Aires (City); Federal Capital; Postal Code: C1038AAH

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Basic Information
Total Employees:
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Outstanding Shares:
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Financial Auditors:
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Incorporation Date:
February 04, 1970
Key Executives
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Vice President
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Director/Member of the Board
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Director/Member of the Board
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Msm Leasing S.A.
Company Performance
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Key Financial Highlights
Annual growth percentages for latest two years in local currency ARS. Absolute financial data is included in the purchased report.
Net interest income
Net fee and commission income
Operating profit (EBIT)
Net Profit (Loss) for the Period
Total assets
Total equity
Total Assets Trend
Net Interest Income Trend
Cost to Income Ratio
Loans to Deposits Ratio
Loans to Asset Ratio

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