On February 21, 1969, Grupo Silvio Santos took a controlling stake in Real Sul S.A - Credit, Financing and Investment, a company dedicated to the market since 1963 in Sao Caetano do Sul, and changed its name to Financial Chest S.A - Credit, Financing and Investment. In 1990, authorized to act as commercial bank, began operations with commercial portfolios and credit, finance and investment so as to be called Banco Panamericano S/A. The Panamericano is focused on granting consumer loans to individuals from classes B, C, D and E. Has an extensive portfolio of products and services featured in consumer credit, payroll loans, personal loans, cards, insurance, leasing and consortia.
Avenida Paulista, 1374, 16 Andar, Bela Vista
Sao Paulo; Sao Paulo;
Postal Code: 1310100
Contact Details: Purchase the Banco Pan S.A. report to view the information.
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