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Laboratorios Coesam S.A. (Chile)

Main Activities: Other Chemical Product and Preparation Manufacturing
Full name: Laboratorios Coesam S.A. Profile Updated: December 22, 2023
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Laboratorios Coesam S.A. is a company located in La Reina, Chile. It was founded in 1974 and initially started with the exportation of two tons of dehydrated Rosa Mosqueta to Germany, where it would be used in the production of food products. Over time, this activity grew and gave rise to a new industry, providing significant employment opportunities for the rural sector. In parallel, through extensive research conducted in collaboration with Cidere Bío Bío, renowned Chilean and international universities, and research centers, Coesam discovered that the oil extracted from Rosa Mosqueta seeds contained a powerful tissue regenerating agent, beneficial for the treatment of burned skin, scars, wrinkle reduction, prevention of stretch marks, and skin pigmentation issues. This discovery led to the establishment of Laboratorios Coesam S.A., a thriving cosmetics company dedicated to this field. Throughout the years, Coesam has achieved several milestones that have contributed to its business development. The company has participated in at least 10 high-level government missions, resulting in various direct benefits. Notably, an agreement was signed in Spain, leading to the establishment of the COESAM Foundation in Valencia, which focuses on studying and researching the effects of Rosa Mosqueta-derived products on the human body. The foundation has conducted multiple investigations, organized symposiums, and published scientific articles presenting the research findings. Additionally, Coesam has established a related company in Japan and formed new commercial alliances in 2004, giving rise to COESAM Scandinavia. The company is also in the process of finalizing partnerships in various regions worldwide.

La Forja No 8820
La Reina; Metropolitana; Postal Code: 7880027

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