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Caja de Compensacion Familiar del Valle del Cauca - COMFENALCO VALLE DELAGENTE (Colombia)

Main Activities: Health and Welfare Funds
Full name: Caja de Compensacion Familiar del Valle del Cauca - COMFENALCO VALLE DELAGENTE Profile Updated: December 12, 2024
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Comfenalco Valle Delagente is a non-profit organization that has been providing benefits to formal workers and their families in the Valle del Cauca department for over 63 years. The organization offers a range of services and programs aimed at promoting overall well-being, including monetary contributions, education, housing, healthcare, culture, recreation, and tourism. These benefits are made possible through a 4% contribution from employers based on their payroll, which allows them to enroll their employees and their families in the subsidy system. Independent workers can also join a Family Compensation Fund by contributing either 0.6% of the minimum monthly legal wage or 2% of their income.

Calle 5 No. 6 - 63, Edificio Comfenalco, Torre C
Cali; Valle del Cauca;

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Basic Information
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Incorporation Date:
August 21, 1957
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Edificio Benjamin Herrera S.A.S.
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