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ERGO Insurance SE (Эстония)

Основные виды деятельности: Страхование и сопутствующая деятельность | Страхование, кроме страхования жизни, здоровья и медицинского страхования
Полное наименование компании: ERGO Insurance SE Дата обновления данных о компании: 15 января 2024
Купить наш отчет этой компании USD 9,95 Доступен на: английский & русский Скачать образец отчета

Three companies operate under the name ERGO in Estonia: the non-life insurance company ERGO Insurance SE, the life insurance company ERGO Life Insurance SE Eesti filiaal and the 2nd and the 3rd pillar pension funds manager ERGO Funds AS.
ERGO Insurance SE is one of Estonia’s leading insurance companies and and offers the comprehensive selection of property insurance products to both private clients and businesses. Since 2009 ERGO became the official broker of ERGO Life Insurance SE Eesti filiaal life insurance products, of ERGO Funds AS pension funds products and of D.A.S Õigusabikulude Kindlustuse AS legal cost insurance products in Estonia. ERGO has over 110,000 clients and managers more than 180,000 contracts. It has been operating in Estonia since 1990.
ERGO Life Insurance SE Eesti filiaal offers a complete range of life and pension insurance options and was one of the driving forces behind voluntary pension insurance in Estonia. This insurance, also known as 3rd pillar, makes up the largest part of the organisation's portfolio. The company is also the only insurer in Estonia to offer life-long second pillar pension payments (pension insurance) and voluntary health insurance. ERGO’s life insurance companies in the Baltic States became one European company called ERGO Life Insurance SE as of 3 January. The head office of the company is located in Lithuania (Vilnius) and its branches are in Estonia and Latvia.

Veskiposti 2/1
Tallinn; Harju maakond; Почтовый индекс: 10138

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Дата регистрации юр. лица:
21 марта 1996
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