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Керемет Банк ОАО (Кыргызстан)

Основные виды деятельности: Коммерческие банки
Полное наименование компании: Керемет Банк ОАО Дата обновления данных о компании: 14 марта 2024
Купить наш отчет этой компании USD 29,95 Актуальные финансовые данные: 2023 Доступен на: английский & русский Скачать образец отчета

Keremet Bank OJSC is a universal financial institution located in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. It became the successor of the rights, assets, and obligations of Rosinbank OJSC in October 2018. The National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic became the main shareholder of the bank, owning 97.45% of the shares after the latest issuance in December 2020. Keremet Bank is known for its extensive regional network and diverse range of services for all market segments. The bank operates according to international standards, offering flexible pricing policies and modern service standards. With its wide branch network, Keremet Bank serves a large customer base of corporate and retail clients in all regions of the country, providing prompt, accurate, and personalized service. As an active participant in the State Program for Increasing Cashless Payments, Keremet Bank actively works to expand the banking infrastructure in all regions of the country and improve access to banking services for the population. The bank ranks among the leading commercial banks in Kyrgyzstan in terms of card services, salary projects, and payment acceptance from the public. Keremet Bank is also a member of the national payment system "Elkart" and official member of international payment systems such as VISA, UnionPay, "Zolotaya Korona," and "MIR" (the bank was the first among Kyrgyzstan's financial institutions to accept and service Russian payment cards "MIR"). Keremet Bank actively supports employees in the public sector through its "Social Mortgage" product. The bank also supports targeted programs for corporate clients, small and medium-sized businesses in Kyrgyzstan, providing financing for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities in the fields of production and processing, tourism, trade, agriculture, transportation and communication, housing construction, education, medicine, as well as export-oriented projects in the regions. Keremet Bank is a leader in the application of high technologies, utilizing an innovative CRM system and offering modern mobile and internet banking services, which help maintain competitive positions in the market and promote innovative technologies.

80/1, Moskovskaya Str
Бишкек; Бишкек; Почтовый индекс: 720021

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