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Cortelco Systems Puerto Rico Inc. (Puerto Rico)

Main Activities: Wired Telecommunications Carriers | Wireless Telecommunications Carriers (except Satellite) | Management, Scientific, and Technical Consulting Services
Full name: Cortelco Systems Puerto Rico Inc. Profile Updated: April 30, 2024
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Cortelco Systems Puerto Rico Inc. is a company located in Caguas. The incorporation date and history are not mentioned in the source. The company's main focus is on providing value to its customers by offering a portfolio of solutions. They are committed to becoming a larger organization every day. The company emphasizes the importance of believing in their vision and business, defining shared and ethical values, building and synchronizing corporate capabilities, and focusing on and caring for their customers. They strive to create a winning organization and continuously reinvent their business. The company values energy, speed, and responsiveness, as well as institutionalizing innovation. Their shared values are what generate trust and bind the organization together. These values are expressed as corporate goals and individual values. The source does not mention the company's main products and services, customers, or main markets.

Parque Industrial Caguas Oeste Edificio M-1384-8-86 Seccion 04 Carr. 156 Km 58.2 Valle Tolima
Caguas; Caguas; Postal Code: PR 00727

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