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Showing company reports for Russia, Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services

Displaying 1-50 of 8,273 companies
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NIPI Gazpererabotka AO (НИПИ Газпереработка АО)
  • Industry: Real Estate and Rental and Leasing
  • Operating revenue: $1,857,064,531
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Yandeks.Taxi OOO (Яндекс.Такси ООО)
  • Industry: Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
  • Operating revenue: $1,678,732,630
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Yasi OOO (Moscow) (Яси ООО (Москва))
  • Industry: Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
  • Operating revenue: $1,455,507,494
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Tominskii Gok AO (Томинский Гок АО)
  • Industry: Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
  • Operating revenue: $1,070,380,660
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Dzhili-Motors OOO (Джили-Моторс ООО)
  • Industry: Manufacturing
  • Operating revenue: $974,602,531
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Gazprom Nedra OOO (Газпром Недра ООО)
  • Industry: Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
  • Operating revenue: $892,667,522
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Holdingovaya Kompaniya Interros OOO (Холдинговая Компания Интеррос ООО)
  • Industry: Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
  • Operating revenue: $868,063,712
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Softline PAO (Софтлайн ПАО)
  • Industry: Wholesale Trade
  • Operating revenue: $853,346,465
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Pik-Korporatsiya OOO (Пик-Корпорация ООО)
  • Industry: Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
  • Operating revenue: $765,285,765
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Msu-1 AO (Мсу-1 АО)
  • Industry: Construction
  • Operating revenue: $762,817,845
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Yandeks.Tehnologii OOO (Яндекс.Технологии ООО)
  • Industry: Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
  • Operating revenue: $743,947,711
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Neste Saint-Petersburg OOO (Несте Санкт-Петербург ООО)
  • Industry: Wholesale Trade
  • Operating revenue: $684,716,944
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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v Kontakte OOO (в Контакте ООО)
  • Industry: Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
  • Operating revenue: $663,834,987
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Snph AO (Снпх АО)
  • Industry: Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction
  • Operating revenue: $651,495,339
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Laboratoriya Kasperskogo AO (Лаборатория Касперского АО)
  • Industry: Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
  • Operating revenue: $532,963,584
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Singenta OOO (Сингента ООО)
  • Industry: Manufacturing
  • Operating revenue: $528,101,547
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Adv-Service+ OOO (Saint Petersburg) (Адв-Сервис ООО (Санкт-Петербург))
  • Industry: Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
  • Operating revenue: $514,489,945
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Atomenergoproekt AO (Атомэнергопроект АО)
  • Industry: Construction
  • Operating revenue: $444,131,035
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Mrgt OOO (Мргт ООО)
  • Industry: Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
  • Operating revenue: $378,322,294
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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  • Industry: Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
  • Operating revenue: $371,108,884
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Rubiteh OOO (Рубитех ООО)
  • Industry: Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
  • Operating revenue: $368,371,694
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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  • Industry: Retail Trade
  • Operating revenue: $365,711,838
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Project-Development OOO (Проект-Девелопмент ООО)
  • Industry: Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
  • Operating revenue: $363,197,188
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Biohimik AO (Биохимик АО)
  • Industry: Manufacturing
  • Operating revenue: $347,647,041
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Mts It OOO (Мтс Ит ООО)
  • Industry: Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
  • Operating revenue: $330,720,227
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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NovorosCement OAO (НоворосЦемент ОАО)
  • Industry: Construction
  • Operating revenue: $320,942,828
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Pf Skb Kontur AO (Пф Скб Контур АО)
  • Industry: Wholesale Trade
  • Operating revenue: $317,087,862
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Moskapstroy AO (Москапстрой АО)
  • Industry: Construction
  • Operating revenue: $314,324,944
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Mosgaz AO (Мосгаз АО)
  • Industry: Utilities
  • Operating revenue: $306,721,851
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Gazprom Automation OAO (Газпром Автоматизация ОАО)
  • Industry: Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction
  • Operating revenue: $304,269,284
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Asp-Aqua OOO (Асп-Аква ООО)
  • Industry: Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
  • Operating revenue: $294,308,669
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Bashneftegeofizika AO (Башнефтегеофизика АО)
  • Industry: Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction
  • Operating revenue: $289,898,401
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Mfi Soft OOO (Nizhny Novgorod) (Мфи Софт ООО (Нижний Новгород))
  • Industry: Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
  • Operating revenue: $288,983,095
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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ODK-Aviadvigatel AO (ОДК-Авиадвигатель АО)
  • Industry: Manufacturing
  • Operating revenue: $269,420,755
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Sinergiya Import OOO (Синергия Импорт ООО)
  • Industry: Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
  • Operating revenue: $266,734,414
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Lev OOO (OKPO: 95003538) (Лев ООО (OKПO: 95003538))
  • Industry: Manufacturing
  • Operating revenue: $265,729,672
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Gazpromneft-Tsr OOO (Газпромнефть-Цр ООО)
  • Industry: Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
  • Operating revenue: $262,928,320
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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ANPP Temp-Avia PAO (АНПП Темп-Авиа ПАО)
  • Industry: Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
  • Operating revenue: $251,555,099
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Media Trade OOO (OKPO: 15506917) (Медиа Трейд ООО (OKПO: 15506917))
  • Industry: Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
  • Operating revenue: $249,811,739
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Priisk Solovevskii AO (Прииск Соловьёвский АО)
  • Industry: Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction
  • Operating revenue: $247,407,115
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Inchkeip Holding OOO (Инчкейп Холдинг ООО)
  • Industry: Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
  • Operating revenue: $247,059,861
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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REP Holding AO (РЭП Холдинг АО)
  • Industry: Manufacturing
  • Operating revenue: $246,191,536
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Investgeoservis JSC (Инвестгеосервис АО)
  • Industry: Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction
  • Operating revenue: $241,587,637
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Vardanyan, Broitman i Partnery OOO (Варданян, Бройтман и Партнеры ООО)
  • Industry: Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
  • Operating revenue: $241,382,146
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Emdzhikom OOO (Эмджиком ООО)
  • Industry: Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
  • Operating revenue: $233,083,080
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Gazinformservis OOO (Газинформсервис ООО)
  • Industry: Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction
  • Operating revenue: $227,468,076
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Epam Sistemz OOO (Эпам Систэмз ООО)
  • Industry: Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
  • Operating revenue: $219,992,306
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Omskii Kauchuk AO (Омский Каучук АО)
  • Industry: Manufacturing
  • Operating revenue: $219,107,982
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Amnet OOO (Амнет ООО)
  • Industry: Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
  • Operating revenue: $209,512,446
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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