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Desa Kalip Makina Plastik Ithalat Ihracat Sanayi Ve Ticaret Suleyman Celik (Turkiye)

Main Activities: All Other Plastics Product Manufacturing
Full name: Desa Kalip Makina Plastik Ithalat Ihracat Sanayi Ve Ticaret Suleyman Celik Profile Updated: June 18, 2020
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Desa Kalip Makina Plastik Ithalat Ihracat Sanayi Ve Ticaret Suleyman Celik operates in the plastic and metal industry. They specialize in manufacturing water pump products, damacana water pumps, and transportation coal. Additionally, they offer gasless water and gasless fertilizer products, as well as laser folding and tampon printing services. The company uses advanced ERP inventory barcode systems and automotive sub-industrial technology in their manufacturing processes. They claim to have a broad shipping network for delivering products worldwide.

A Apartmani No:2 Cerkesli Osb Mahallesi Imes-20 Caddesi Dilovasi
Kocaeli; Marmara; Postal Code: 34760

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Incorporation Date:
May 05, 2000
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