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Eraydin Tarim Urunleri Gida Petrol Hayvancilik Insaat Nakliye San Ve Tic Ihr Ith Ltd Sti (Turkiye)

Main Activities: Dried and Dehydrated Food Manufacturing
Full name: Eraydin Tarim Urunleri Gida Petrol Hayvancilik Insaat Nakliye San Ve Tic Ihr Ith Ltd Sti Profile Updated: December 12, 2023
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Eraydin Tarim Urunleri Gida Petrol Hayvancilik Insaat Nakliye San Ve Tic Ihr Ith Ltd Sti is a company in the food industry, primarily operating in the olive and oil sector. They offer olive oil and olives to customers in more than 20 countries, with a focus on environmentally friendly production and respect for human health. The company has a production facility located in Aydin.

Organize Sanayi Bolgesi No:53 Umurlu Mahallesi Organize Sanayi Bolgesi 3.caddesi 3/10 Sokak Efeler
Aydin; Aegean; Postal Code: 09630

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Total Employees:
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Incorporation Date:
December 21, 2004
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