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Sozer Orman Urunleri Mobilya Akaryakit Gida Insaat Taahhut Nakliyat Sanayi Ticaret Ltd Sti (Turkiye)

Main Activities: Lumber, Plywood, Millwork, and Wood Panel Merchant Wholesalers
Full name: Sozer Orman Urunleri Mobilya Akaryakit Gida Insaat Taahhut Nakliyat Sanayi Ticaret Ltd Sti Profile Updated: December 12, 2023
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Sozer Orman Urunleri Mobilya Akaryakit Gida Insaat Taahhut Nakliyat Sanayi Ticaret Ltd Sti is a company that offers a wide range of furniture accessories and services in the furnishment manufacturing industry, including door, parks, steel doors, MDF, panel growth, banding services, and agricultural equipment. They have developed themselves in the furniture accessories industry and also sell zirai products and equipment. The company offers a variety of furnishment accessory products made from different materials such as rice, zamak, aluminium, porselen, wood, and polymer.

No:13a Yenisehir Mahallesi Sehit Kazim Caddesi Sezgin Sokak Izmit
Kocaeli; Marmara; Postal Code: 41050

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Outstanding Shares:
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Incorporation Date:
January 03, 2005
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