Poland Chemical Sector Report 2017/2021
An EMIS Insights Industry ReportEMIS is an ISI Emerging Markets Group Company Date: January 2018
Pages: 71
Available in: English
The chemical industry as defined for the purpose of this report consists of the chemicals, rubber and plastics sectors. It is one of the vital parts of the Polish economy, as shown by these segments' combined sold production-to-GDP ratio at 7.4% in 2016 (broadly unchanged since 2012). The Polish chemical industry represents around 4% of the value of the European (excl. Turkey and Asian post-Soviet countries) chemical market, according to research company MarketLine, whose definition of the sector includes pharmaceutical chemicals as well as specialty chemicals, commodity chemicals, and agricultural chemicals. The Polish market has significant potential for further growth. The share of the chemical sector in total manufacturing is 12%, compared with an average of 24% for Europe. In Poland, the sector is responsible for over 7% of GDP and this share has remained stable since 2012 (at 7.2%-7.4%). The sector employs more than 3% of all the people working in the Polish economy.
This report provides a complete and detailed analysis of the chemical sector for Poland. EMIS Insights presents in-depth business intelligence in a standard format across countries and regions, providing a balanced mix between analysis and data.
The report also includes a separate chapter with 5-year forecasts for the main sectoral and macroeconomic indicators, delivered in the form of both time series and analytical commentaries.
What this report allows you to do:
- Understand the key elements at play in the chemical sector in Poland
- Access forecasts for growth in the sector
- View key data on production and sales for the sector in Poland.
- Crystallise the forces both driving and restraining this sector in Poland
- Ascertain Poland’s position in the global sector
- Build a complete perspective on sector trade, investment and employment
- Understand the competitive landscape and who the major players are
- View M&A activity and major deals
- Gain an understanding of the regulatory environment for the sector in Poland.
- Build a clear picture of trends and issues for sub-sectors (e.g. chemicals and chemical products, rubber and plastic products).
See below for a complete table of report contents:
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