Finding and delivering the right information in double-quick time is central to the value you provide to your organisation. You need to react quickly to requests from business units who are up against firm deadlines. You are also often tasked with providing reliable information on markets where it can be hard to find.
EMIS can help you to:

Quickly answer business questions
Respond quickly to a wide range of research requests with our AI-enabled search and discovery tools.

Produce better research
Be confident in the quality of research provided through EMIS' top-tier global and local sources and expertise in emerging markets.

Perform detailed searches
Access deep and broad analysis across 370 industry sectors. Profile emerging market companies through our 11-million company database.

Seamlessly share and export data and research
Perform complex searches and share results easily with your colleagues.

Monitor topics over time
Effortlessly track sectors, companies or sources on demand or on a regular basis with email alerts or in your saved searches
EMIS: a one-stop award-winning intelligence platform
Multi-sector, multi-country industry research from renowned global providers and niche local sources.
Detailed profile and financial information for more than 11 million private companies.
Benchmarking, monitoring and discovery tools that generate insight and support your research workflows
Insights and alerts for your portfolio generated by machine learning and AI technology.
Featured information sources
EMIS curates over 4,500 sources. Here are some of the top information providers that the EMIS platform provides access to.