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Showing company reports for Bulgaria, Hospitals

Displaying 1-50 of 150 companies
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UMBAL Sveti Georgi EAD (УМБАЛ Свети Георги ЕАД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $131,623,697
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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Tokuda Hospital EAD (Токуда Болница ЕАД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $96,520,571
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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MBAL Sveta Marina EAD (МБАЛ Света Марина ЕАД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $87,499,731
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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Acibadem City Clinic EAD (Аджибадем Сити Клиник ЕАД)
  • Industry: Management of Companies and Enterprises
  • Operating revenue: $84,128,262
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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Multi-profile Hospital For Active Treatment Heart And Brain Single Member Joint Stock Company EAD (МБАЛ Сърце И Мозък ЕАД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $79,553,657
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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Pirogov Hospital EAD (МБАЛСМ Пирогов ЕАД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $69,868,944
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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MBAL Sv. Ivan Rilski EAD (МБАЛ Св. Иван Рилски ЕАД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $69,423,676
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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UMBAL Sofiamed OOD (УМБАЛ Софиямед ООД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $68,351,058
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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Multi-profile Hospital For Acute Care Uni Hospital OOD (МБАЛ-уни Хоспитал ООД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $60,375,980
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $56,970,136
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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Acibadem City Clinic University Hospital EOOD (Аджибадем Сити Клиник УМБАЛ ЕООД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $55,115,479
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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UMBAL Georgi Stranski EAD (УМБАЛ Георги Странски ЕАД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $54,783,005
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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Kompleksen Onkologichen Tsentar Plovdiv EOOD (Комплексен Онкологичен Център Пловдив ЕООД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $46,373,939
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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UMBAL Aleksandrovska EAD (УМБАЛ Александровска ЕАД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $46,262,756
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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MBAL Sveta Anna Sofia AD (МБАЛ Света Анна София АД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $43,728,112
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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Noch EAD (Университетска СБАЛ По Онкология Проф. Иван Черноземски ЕАД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $42,205,392
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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UMBAL Tsaritsa Yoana ISUL EAD (УМБАЛ Царица Йоанна - ИСУЛ ЕАД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $36,810,613
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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Mbal Za Zhensko Zdrave - Nadezhda OOD (Мбал За Женско Здраве - Надежда ООД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $33,674,401
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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Kompleksen Onkologichen Tsentar - Burgas EOOD (Комплексен Онкологичен Център - Бургас ЕООД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $31,062,412
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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MBAL Serdika EOOD (МБАЛ Сердика ЕООД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $29,967,236
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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MBAL Kaspela EOOD (МБАЛ Каспела ЕООД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $29,638,521
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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MBAL-ruse AD (Университетска МБАЛ Канев АД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $25,811,580
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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MBAL Sveta Sofia EOOD (МБАЛ Света София ЕООД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $25,347,513
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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MBAL - Prof. D-r Stoyan Kirkovich AD (Университетска МБАЛ - Проф. Д-р Стоян Киркович АД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $24,851,756
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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Universitetska MBAL Medika Ruse OOD (Университетска МБАЛмедика Русе ООД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $23,610,484
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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Kompleksen Onkologichen Tsentar - Stara Zagora EOOD (Комплексен Онкологичен Център - Стара Загора ЕООД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $23,342,464
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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Universitetska Mnogoprofilna Bolnica Za Aktivno Lechenie - Burgas AD (Университетска МБАЛ - Бургас АД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $22,678,590
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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MBAL - Plovdiv AD (Университетска МБАЛ - Пловдив АД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $21,140,831
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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MBAL Sveta Anna-varna AD (МБАЛ Света Анна-варна АД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $19,692,233
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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MHAT National Heart Hospital EAD (МБАЛ НКБ ЕАД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $19,263,615
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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Mbal - Pazardjik AD (МБАЛ - Пазарджик АД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $19,199,699
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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Mbal - Haskovo AD (МБАЛ - Хасково АД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $18,937,050
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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Kompleksen Oncologichen Tsentar-ruse EOOD (Комплексен Онкологичен Център - Русе ЕООД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $18,494,467
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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UMBAL Sv. Ekaterina EAD (УМБАЛ Св. Екатерина ЕАД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $18,399,935
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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MBAL - Shumen AD (МБАЛ - Шумен АД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $18,286,067
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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MBAL D - R Ivan Seliminski - Sliven AD (МБАЛ Д - Р Иван Селимински - Сливен АД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $17,325,169
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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MBAL D-r Tota Venkova AD (МБАЛ Д-р Тота Венкова АД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $16,226,769
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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MBAL-d-r Atanas Dafovski AD (МБАЛ-д-р Атанас Дафовски АД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $15,610,699
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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MBAL Tsentral Onko Khospital OOD (МБАЛ Централ Онко Хоспитал ООД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $15,460,307
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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UMBAL Deva Maria EOOD (УМБАЛ Дева Мария ЕООД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $15,337,307
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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SBAL Po Akusherstvo 1 Ginekologiya - Maychin Dom EAD (СБАЛ По Акушерство И Гинекология - Майчин Дом ЕАД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $14,933,397
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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Mnogoprofilna Bolniza Za Aktivno Lechenie - Dobrich AD (МБАЛ - Добрич АД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $14,718,014
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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Mbal Trakia EOOD (Мбал Тракия ЕООД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $14,583,199
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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Complex Oncological Center - Choumen EOOD (Комплексен Онкологичен Център - Шумен ЕООД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $14,556,343
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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MBAL-silistra AD (МБАЛ-силистра АД)
  • Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Operating revenue: $14,432,269
  • Available in: English
  • Format: PDF Download
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